Put JLHR Volunteers to Work for You

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How it works?

The members of the Junior League of Hampton Roads (JLHR) want to directly impact our community by working hands-on with your organization. Our Done in a Day Projects (DIDP) program provides our members the opportunity to work directly in our community to support our mission, vision and focus; and to address significant community issues.

Let the JLHR help your organization fulfill your mission by using us as a volunteer resource to execute your programs. A DIDP program typically are two to three hour shifts. We are happy to help with one day and ongoing projects. Preference will be given to service projects aligned to our Community Impact Areas. The JLHR seeks to improve the lives of women and children by focusing on: promoting Childhood Education and supporting initiatives that aid with feeding our community.

Items to note:

* Because we want to be face to face with our community needs, we cannot participate in direct fundraising on behalf of another non-profit.

* At this time, our volunteer opportunities are typically virtual or outside.


Project Request

To request JLHR volunteers for your project, please fill out the Project Request Form below. Our Community Council, will get in touch with you.